A short distance from Louisville, KY sits Shelbyville - the home of Claudia Sanders' Restaurant, serving the KFC secret recipe friend chicken...
A few miles down the road from that tasty and genetically modified meal is Earth's Promise Farm. Sandy and Jason gave us a tour of their grounds today. They have free range chicken all over the place - literally! In one area the hens lay their succulent eggs high in beta carotene and omega-3s. There may be a fence around their large area, but trust you me after seeing those little girls go right under them and wherever they please, you learn quickly the soft fencing is not so much for them as it is for the naughty woodland creatures ready to feast on all of Sandy and Jason's hard work. The chickens get spray showers set up for them, can eat all types of weeds, foliage and organic feed that Jason so generously took a mouthful of just to show us how good for you it is!
These, seriously, look like happy chickens doing what they do best - eat and poop. This wonderful cycle gives the soil necessary nutrients back and then they can grow super-dooper veggies on that land next year. It's really when you get out on the farm that you see how cyclical the sustainable system really is. Chickens feed us, they also feed the land (where the poop comes into play), the land then grows the good, nutritious food and the cycle continues.
We are very proud to say that as hungry as we were when we left the farm, we decided to pass up White Castle (the first restaurant we saw after leaving) because even though we were craving chicken - odd I know - I figured that the chicken rings I love so dearly are really sacrilege compared to the beautiful, well cared for birds we saw today.
A few miles down the road from that tasty and genetically modified meal is Earth's Promise Farm. Sandy and Jason gave us a tour of their grounds today. They have free range chicken all over the place - literally! In one area the hens lay their succulent eggs high in beta carotene and omega-3s. There may be a fence around their large area, but trust you me after seeing those little girls go right under them and wherever they please, you learn quickly the soft fencing is not so much for them as it is for the naughty woodland creatures ready to feast on all of Sandy and Jason's hard work. The chickens get spray showers set up for them, can eat all types of weeds, foliage and organic feed that Jason so generously took a mouthful of just to show us how good for you it is!
These, seriously, look like happy chickens doing what they do best - eat and poop. This wonderful cycle gives the soil necessary nutrients back and then they can grow super-dooper veggies on that land next year. It's really when you get out on the farm that you see how cyclical the sustainable system really is. Chickens feed us, they also feed the land (where the poop comes into play), the land then grows the good, nutritious food and the cycle continues.
We are very proud to say that as hungry as we were when we left the farm, we decided to pass up White Castle (the first restaurant we saw after leaving) because even though we were craving chicken - odd I know - I figured that the chicken rings I love so dearly are really sacrilege compared to the beautiful, well cared for birds we saw today.
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